Wrong cofee

A businesmen who loves cofee incist on cofee that comes with a freahness seal or there will be consequences.

Ed loved cofee. Ed had started to drink cofee when he was a teenager.  Everyone who knew ed knew about his love for cofee. His morning ritul was based around cofee.  There ia a joke within his iner circle that his middle cofe is cofee. This is ironic sense his middle nane does start with c. 

He decided to go to school first and get established in bussiness then fibd a wife.  He ignored the opposite sex in school. He took only core courses with the needed electives. He did the necessary extra circular activities. Everything he did was intentional. 

Then he got an internship. He made sure he got noticed.  He got hired at a prestigious cooperation.  He was able to secure a company officer post.  

His family was woried he was sacrificing a future with family for a carer. His family feared he was passing on family.  They feared he night regret it later. 

What they did not unserstand was that this was his plan all along. This waa part of his strategy.  He would get esablushed then find a wife.  He became a cooperate  vice president. Then he baught enough shares to secure him a spot on the cooperate bored of directors. He was now ready to find a wife.  

Amy had worked breufly for the company.  She had been a receptionist.  She intended to work over the summer. He took notes of her intetests, likes and dislikes. He kept his distance from her when she was his enploye. He never went up to the line. He avoided her while she was his employe. 

She recently graduated from college.  He called her. “Hi is this amy?” he asked. “This is Amy.  ” she said. “Hi this is ed brekin. From edson incorporated. ” he said.

” oh hi” she said. “I was wondering if we could get together for cofee or some thing. ” he suggested. She oagreed.

She suspected he was going to ofer her a job. She had no idea that he was looking for a wife. They had a great first date. While at first she was disappointed that he did not have a job for her. She came to like him. 

They dated for a time. After a time he purposed. She said yes. They got married.  They had a son and then a daughter. He soon became executive vp. He had Everything. 

He was very easy going.  He was slow to anger. He was layed back. He was soft spoken.  He had strong opinions but was bot quick to communicate it. He was for the most part a live and let live kind of guy. He was not that political. He voted but was not an ideologue.  He liked sports but not one who would defend hie team to the exclusion of others. He never engaged in trash talk. 

Nothing seemed to agitate him. He was do even keeled.  There is only one thing that he might get riled up about. That was cofee. He loved his cofee. 

Anyone who worked for him knew to make sure he had cofee on demand.  No cofee available was bad. 

Amy learned early on in there marriage never to not have cofee available in the house. When ever she made a shopping list, she checked the cofee supply.  She was determined to keep cofee stalked. 

Then cofee came in a new kind of freshness seal. The contaner was designed to keep fresh.  She decided to try it. He loved it. He was convinced that it was better then the other contaners.

Waw it actually better? It is hard to know. It could just be a kind if placebo effect or a really good marketing campaign. If it was the work of brain washing it worked.ed was comvinced that the new contaner was better. He could not be convinced other wise. 

She forgot to buy the fresh seal. He was unhappy. He told her to get the freshness seal..she kept forgetting. 

He got upset with her. He decided to give her a spanking. He told her to pull up het gray skirt and pull down her panty. She complied. He spanked her multiple times. 

She remembered the next time to get the freshness seal. It became a habit. She always remembered. 

The problem was solved. He was happy. So was she. Her bum was not hurt. Things were good. 

Then someone he trusted on cable news did a fact check om new freshness seal. He said it was bunk.  So he decided he did bot care.  She stul got the seal cofee just in case. 

The end.


I got this idea after reeding about disturbing marketing tatics of the past. One was a campagn where it was implied that if ypur wife did not get you freshnes seal cofee, you should spank her. 

Marketing is fascinating to me. It seems like much if markiting is. Big scam.  It seems like markiting are clever lies.